Give Your Dog Lasting Relief From Skin Irritation

Dog cleaning
Dog cleaning

Dogs are a part of the family, whether or not you have children of your own. When it comes to pet care, keeping your four-legged friends happy and healthy is of utmost importance. Treatments and routine care can be costly, so it’s essential to find products you can trust and professionals who deliver the highest level of service. If your dog has ever experienced a skin infection, you know how hard it can be for both pet and owner to find an effective remedy. Knowing the signs and symptoms to look for and how to find effective therapies will help your canine restore their peppy personality in no time. From topical applications to specialized treatment, knowing what you are treating will help you and your vet determine the best approach.

Common Symptoms of Skin Problems

Dogs Scratching Problems
Dogs Scratching Problems

If you suspect that your dog may have a skin problem, there are a few telltale signs to look for. Just like a human, persistent scratching of the skin can be an early indicator of an infection, allergies or fungus; especially if your pet is chewing or licking excessively, they may be experiencing an irritation. A hot spot refers to a particular area where itching is intense and can be a helpful indicator in the diagnosis process. Other signs to look for include redness or inflammation, scabs, scaly patches on the face and paws, swelling, and discoloration. If your canine shows hair loss, bald patches, lesions or rashes, these are also signs that it’s time to call your vet. To learn more about how to identify and treat potential skin problems.

What’s Causing all the Itching?

Dog Biting
Dog Biting

You may have noticed that your pet has a skin problem, but what’s causing it? There’s a fairly long list of culprits associated with these irregularities. Bites and droppings from fleas and mites can cause irritation as well as trigger allergic reactions from saliva. Seasonal and food allergies trigger a response from the immune system that can result in some of the aforementioned signs and symptoms. Infections from fungus, bacteria and other microbes are other common culprits. It’s important to work with your vet in order to determine the cause of irritation for effective treatment. For example, canine pyoderma is a bacterial infection associated with staphylococci; this particular condition is effectively managed with SPL treatment designed to target chronic recurrences of this bacteria.  If you are having trouble finding effective solutions for your pet, talk to your vet to get more information.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Even if you are fairly certain you’ve identified the cause of your dog’s skin irritation, it’s still wise to work with your vet to confirm your suspicions. Veterinarians have the resources to conduct more formal testing, such as a skin biopsy, ringworm testing, microscopic examinations, allergy testing, and blood tests. Completing routine tests is also beneficial in assessing the overall health of your four-legged family member. Once you’ve confirmed the source of the irritant, your vet may prescribe topical products, dietary changes, antibiotics, steroids or injections. Taking the time to thoroughly investigate your pet’s condition will help prevent ineffective treatments and unnecessary expenditures.

When your pet is in pain, you want to provide them with effective, lasting relief. For skin conditions, it’s important to first identify the source of the problem in order to find the best, treatment. Special treatment is just one of many ways that your veterinarian can target your dog’s skin condition and provide comfort. Talk to your vet to learn more about helping your canine.

Dog Scratching
Dog Scratching
Dog etching
Dog etching

One thought on “Give Your Dog Lasting Relief From Skin Irritation

  • April 27, 2019 at 4:32 am

    So, what can you give a dog that is suffering from allergies? It really depends on the type of allergen, as the type of allergen will determine the type of treatment options that will be most effective. Common treatments for allergies in dogs are often medications meant to suppress the function of your dog s immune response and keep the immune system from attacking itself.


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