Does Molded Pulp Manufacturers Make Your Company Look Professional?

Molded pulp supplied from your molded pulp manufacturers is a great way to keep materials anchored firmly within boxes during shipping. But did you know that molded pulp actually makes your company look better, even professional? There are key reasons why shipping your products in molded fiber can impress your clients.

It Looks Better

Simply put, molded fiber just looks better. Imagine popping open a box from your favorite retailer only to be greeted by a mass of white paper, or even worse, newspaper. While packing paper can be an effective tool for keeping materials from shifting during transit, it can also make a mess as the recipient of the package pulls out the paper.

And packing peanuts are even worse. Those can be a nightmare to keep from spilling out onto the floor, and in many instances the recipient will have to dispose of them. By contrast, opening up a package to find ordered goods nestled within molded fiber is a much more pleasant surprise.

You can still use paper or peanuts if needed, but molded pulp from molded pulp manufacturers will take up more room in the box and decrease your need for other packing materials.

It Looks Item Specific

A great property of molded fiber is its ability to adhere more closely to the item it is packed with. So when a client or customer opens a box, it looks like you had to manufacture the molded fiber just for the item, which projects a look of professionalism.

It also makes your company look like a top rate business. Conversely, newspaper is very common. Anybody can use that to pack a shipping box. As a result, you might come off looking a little cheap if you use newspaper for packing materials. This can be a detriment if you have a high end clientele.

It Is Recyclable

Another great property of molded fiber is that it is a recyclable material. The environmentally friendly nature of molded pulp not only reduces trash buildup and encourages recycling, but it makes your company look environmentally aware and responsible.

While not all of your clients will necessarily care what packaging material you use, if you know some of your clients tout environmental responsibility as a virtue, shipping items to them with molded pulp made by molded pulp manufacturing can only be a benefit.

Don’t overlook the packing products of molded pulp manufacturers as an opportunity to make your business look better. Give your clients the best impression possible by using professional looking molded pulp to house their ordered items.

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